Resources Library
Play Wales resources
Our range of publications raises awareness about the importance of play for children and teenagers. These resources also offer good practice guidelines on a variety of topics about providing opportunities to play. They are aimed at everyone who has an interest in, or responsibility for, children’s play.
In this section you can find our resources. They include toolkits, guidance, information sheets, top tips, and more.
We haven’t added every resource yet – if you’re looking for a Play Wales publication and can’t find it here, please get in touch.

Latest resource
A toolkit developed in collaboration with researchers from the University of Exeter and University of Stirling – Professor Helen Dodd, Dr. Lily FitzGibbon and Gill Hearnshaw.

Guidance | 30.01.2025
Playing outdoors in early years settings – a toolkitA toolkit for early years settings and practitioners aimed at increasing opportunities for children to play and spend more time outdoors, with tools and templates to support the facilitation of outdoor play
Right to play | 24.09.2024
Right to play workshop
The workshop aims to raise awareness about the right to play.
Toolkit | 27.03.2023
How to organise playing out sessions on your street
This manual and supporting materials aim to support parents when organising play sessions on their street.
Toolkit | 27.03.2023
Opening streets for play
The toolkit aims to help local authorities develop policies and procedures that will enable resident-led street play projects in their areas.
Toolkit | 27.04.2021
Developing and managing play spaces
This toolkit has been designed for anyone who is responsible for managing or developing a community play space.
Toolkit | 27.11.2017
Creating accessible play spaces
This toolkit is intended to support those involved in developing and upgrading accessible play spaces.
Toolkit | 27.07.2017
Resources for playing – providing loose parts to support children’s play
This toolkit supports those working in play, early years and education settings to provide loose parts play.
Toolkit | 01.11.2015
Use of school grounds for playing out of teaching hours
This toolkit encourages a collaborative approach to making school grounds available for local children to play in outside the school day.
Toolkit | 27.01.2015
Developing and managing Gypsy and Traveller sites
This good practice guide supports with managing or developing new and existing Gypsy and Traveller sites.
Playful Childhoods
Playful Childhoods is a campaign that aims to help parents and carers give children time, space and support to play at home and in their local community.