Sector jobs
Want to join the play and playwork sector?
Our advertising service for play-related jobs is free of charge to individuals and organisations wanting to advertise jobs in the UK.
Adverts will be posted within a week of being received and removed after the closing date.
All adverts will be vetted before they are posted. Please note that as Play Wales is not a recruitment agency, we can’t get into discussions or exchange any correspondence about jobs posted here.

Advertising a job
If you would like to advertise a play-related job free of charge, email the text to us – if possible in English and Welsh. Please make sure you include all the relevant details, including:
- Job title
- Location
- Hours per week
- Salary or hourly rate
- Brief job description
- Details on how to apply
- Closing date for applications.
Play Sector Jobs
Assistant Playworker

Rascals After School Club is recruiting an Assistant Playworker – submit your application by 21 February 2025.