Resources Library
Play Wales resources
Our range of publications raises awareness about the importance of play for children and teenagers. These resources also offer good practice guidelines on a variety of topics about providing opportunities to play. They are aimed at everyone who has an interest in, or responsibility for, children’s play.
In this section you can find our resources. They include toolkits, guidance, information sheets, top tips, and more.
We haven’t added every resource yet – if you’re looking for a Play Wales publication and can’t find it here, please get in touch.
Latest resource
This issue of Focus on play for county councillors across Wales provides information about statutory duties on local authorities to assess and secure sufficient play opportunities for children in their area.
All children | 27.09.2024
Focus on play – Play and county councillorsA briefing for county councillors about the statutory duties on local authorities to assess and secure sufficient play opportunities for children.
Right to play | 24.09.2024
Right to play workshopThe workshop aims to raise awareness about the right to play.
Resources Library | 20.09.2024
Reading list for teachers – Supporting children’s play in schoolsA reading list for those with an interest in improving children’s opportunities for playing at school.
Briefing | 12.08.2024
Focus on play – How play supports children’s mental healthA briefing for Regional Partnership Boards and Public Service Boards about the role of children’s play in promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.
Information sheet | 24.07.2024
Playwork – what’s so special?An info sheet for those with an interest in learning more about playwork and the role of the playworker.
Guidance | 28.05.2024
A play friendly schoolThis guidance provides information about policy and practice to help school communities take a whole school approach in supporting children’s right to play.
Information sheet | 12.03.2024
Play deprivation: the causes and consequences for child development, and the potential of playworkAn info sheet about play deprivation and the potential of playwork to overcome the consequences.
Magazine | 12.03.2024
Play for Wales – issue 62The 'Playing and being well – revisited' issue of our magazine
Research | 31.01.2024
Summary – Playing and being well: A review of recent research into children’s play, social policy and practice, with a focus on WalesThis is a summary of the forthcoming publication, 'Playing and being well'.
Report | 29.11.2023
Ministerial Review of Play Steering Group Report – A Play Wales summaryA summary of the Ministerial Review of Play Steering Group Report.
Resources Library | 22.11.2023
What children say about play in Wales 2022A research report of information from surveys completed by children in Wales as part of the 2022 Play Sufficiency Assessments
Magazine | 04.10.2023
Play for Wales – issue 61The '25 years of Play Wales' issue of our magazine.
Research | 06.06.2023
Briefing – Playing and being well: A review of recent research into children’s play, social policy and practice, with a focus on WalesIntroduction to recent research into children’s play, social policy and practice, with a focus on Wales.
Playful Childhoods
Playful Childhoods is a campaign that aims to help parents and carers give children time, space and support to play at home and in their local community.