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Privacy Policy

Play Wales is committed to protecting your personal information.

We will always keep your information safe, only for as long as it is needed and it will only ever be used for the purposes we collect it. Play Wales will always process all personal information lawfully and be fair and transparent in how we do this.


Our Privacy Policy tells you how Play Wales as a ‘data controller’ collects and stores your information, why we need it and what we do with it.


We will never sell or share your information with marketing companies.

children playing with toy car

Who are we?

Play Wales is the national charity for children’s play in Wales – advocating and championing children’s right to play. Play Wales is a registered charity (1068926) and a company limited by guarantee (3507258).

Play Wales, Park House, Greyfriars Road, Cardiff CF10 3AF
029 20486050

What information do we need?

We will never collect more information than is necessary for the purpose you have provided it.

We will normally only collect basic personal information which may include your name, address, phone number and email address, organisation or area of work. This information ensures that we can fulfil our role as a national charitable organisation by keeping you informed about children’s play.

Occasionally we may state that general photographs will be taken at an event or we may ask for permission to take or use specific photographs of you or your children to promote our work or initiatives.

How do we process your personal information?

We may process your personal information because we have a legal obligation to do so, because it is necessary for the performance of a contract, because you have consented to it, or because we have a legitimate interest to do so that does not harm any of your rights.

When you attend a conference, seminar, workshop, event, network meeting or training we will process your personal information to:

  • Provide you with confirmation of your booking, venue details, access arrangements and process and record your payment.
  • Send you an evaluation survey or feedback form to complete and return – this is to assess the effectiveness and suitability of our events and to improve our services.
  • Provide you with information about future events. We aim to ensure that the information we send to you is of interest and relevant to your work. We will only send you information on future events if you give consent to receive it.
  • Promote our events using photographs. At our events photographs may be taken. These photos will only be used to report on and share previous events and to promote similar future events. This processing is in our legitimate interests to share information about events and promote future events.

When you purchase an item from our online shop

  • We will use your information to process payment and delivery of the item purchased.
  • We will only send you direct marketing information if you give consent to receive it.

When we are organising conferences, seminars, workshops and other Play Wales events we will process your personal information to: 

  • Provide you with information about future events where you have given your consent to receive this. You can withdraw your consent at any time by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of the email.

As a member of Play Wales we will process your personal information to: 

  • Provide you with communications regarding your membership plus information on membership benefits, e-bulletins, publications, events, surveys and consultations regarding children’s play. This information processing is necessary for the performance of the membership contract between us.
  • Provide you with information on membership renewal dates and fees and process of payment.

When we share information on consultations, e-briefings, e-bulletins and publications, we will process your information to: 

  • Provide you with information regarding children’s play and sector topic information.
  • Send you our bi-annual magazine, Play for Wales.
  • You can withdraw your consent at any time by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of the email or by contacting us.

When you complete a survey, we will use your information to:

  • Collate results from a survey – all comments and findings will remain anonymous but may be shared nationally or published in reports. This information is processed for the purposes of legitimate interests to improve the services provided by Play Wales. When we do so, we will use Survey Monkey to collect your responses. Survey Monkey processes its information in the EU and in the US. Where it transfers the information out of the EU into the US, Survey Monkey is certified by the EU-US Privacy Shield. This Privacy Shield is in place to protect your information if it is sent outside of the EU. You can read Survey Monkey’s privacy policy here. Information on the EU-US Privacy Shield can be found on the European Commission’s website.

When you commission Play Wales to undertake workshops, consultancy, project management, project delivery and other short-term pieces of work we will process your information to:

  • Allow us to perform the commission and provide you with further specific details regarding the commissioned work, including reports, updates, statistics, evaluation and for the purpose of processing payments. This will be necessary for the performance of the commissioned contract between us.

When you engage or work with Play Wales, we will process your personal information to: 

  • Identify the different sectors and organisations we work with. It is in our legitimate interests to assess and report on the reach of our work. We will not send you direct marketing as a result of your engagement unless you give us consent to do so.
  • Any statistic information required by funders will be anonymised and it is in our legitimate interests to collate this information.

When you join one of our networks or a network facilitated by Play Wales, we will process your personal information to:

  • Provide you with information regarding arrangements for meetings, agendas, papers and other relevant information relating to the network. This is to ensure you receive relevant information to pursue the aims of the network.
  • Facilitate the most effective communication within a network, unless network members request otherwise we will share network members email addresses with the wider network.

What do we do with your information?

Your information is processed at the Play Wales office in Cardiff and held on a secure server. We will only use your information in the way that you have agreed to. For example, if you have asked to receive information about events, we will only send you information about events.

  • Microsoft: We use cloud computing software to do our work, provided by Microsoft. The information is processed in the UK. You can click here to see at which information centres.
  • Mailchimp: We use Mailchimp to send you our information and direct marketing. This includes our e-bulletins, and information about publications, events, consultations and surveys. Mailchimp is headquartered in the US, and is certified under the EU-US Privacy shield, which is designed to protect your information if you live in the EU and your information is sent to the US. You can read Mailchimp’s privacy policy here. Information on the EU-US Privacy Shield can be found on the European Commission’s website.

What type of information do we send out?

Play Wales offers a wide variety of services and information and as long as we have your consent we may provide you with information on:

  • Membership
  • Conferences
  • Events
  • Networks
  • Surveys and consultations
  • Legislation changes
  • Research
  • Monthly e-bulletins
  • Bi-annual magazine, Play for Wales
  • Topic specific areas of work
  • Publications, such as toolkits and information sheets.

How long do we keep your information?

We will never retain your information for longer than is necessary for the purpose it has been provided. If you have consented to receive information regarding conferences, events, publications, training, workshops, surveys, consultations through email we will keep that information until you tell us that you no longer want to receive it. Every email contains an ‘unsubscribe’ link.

Will we share your information with anyone else?

Play Wales will not share your information with third parties unless we are legally required to do so or receive your consent to do so either at the point of collection or subsequently. Play Wales will never sell or share your information with external marketing companies.


  • Play Wales occasionally takes still images, film/audio recordings of children to promote the child’s right to play, and to promote play opportunities in Wales in formats including Play Wales websites, print, digital and social media.
  • Any personal information given to provide consent to use any still images or filming will be stored securely and only used for the purpose of providing permission.
  • You can ask Play Wales to stop using your child’s still images and film recordings at any time. As a result, they will not be used on websites or in future publications but may continue to appear in publications already in circulation.


Your visit to our website will remain anonymous as none of the information collected is linked to any personal information. If you provide personal information through an online form or enquiry we will only process this for the purpose that you provided it.

The website information collected is only used to assess popular pages and downloads. This helps us to continually improve our website and your experience.

Our website contains links to other websites that we do not control. We cannot be responsible for the privacy practices of any websites not under our control and we do not endorse any of these websites, their services or products described or offered on such sites. We advise you to read the Privacy Policies of these websites before you use them.


By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. Cookies are small text files that are put on your device when you visit and use a website, for instance when you use the shopping basket or indicate your choice of language.  To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit

Our website uses Google Analytics to review our site functionality and these cookies are used to collect anonymous information about how visitors use our website, including the number of visitors to the website, where visitors have come from and the pages they visit. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the website. Google Analytics does not store any personal information about any website users.

Social media

Play Wales does not collect, store or match handles to personal information unless you have given your consent. For example, you may have opted to receive information via social media, included a twitter handle with your personal details or chosen to follow us.

Any social media posts or comments you send to us may be shared or re-tweeted publicly (e.g. via Facebook/Twitter).

Play Wales is not responsible for the privacy policies of these platforms and advises that you read the Privacy Policies of social media platforms before using them:

Financial transactions

As payments made to Play Wales are via PayPal or BACS (Banks Automated Clearing Services) we do not collect or store card details.


If you make a financial donation to Play Wales, we will only process your personal information to administer your donation. We will not contact you unless you have asked us to and we will never share or sell your personal or donation information.

What are your rights?

Under the data protection law you have a number of different rights relating to our use of your personal information and we have set out below a brief summary of these below – for a full explanation of these rights visit the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website.

  • Your right to access
  • Your right to have personal information rectified
  • Your right to be forgotten
  • Your right to information portability
  • Your right to object
  • Your right to restrict processing
  • Your right to withdraw consent.

To withdraw consent please ‘unsubscribe’ to the marketing email that you no longer wish to receive by clicking on the link at the bottom of the email. Alternatively, email, phone or post your withdrawal of consent to:

Play Wales, Park House, Greyfriars Road, Cardiff CF10 3AF
029 20486050

General points about your rights

You can make a request to us to exercise any of the rights summarised above. Play Wales will respond to your request within one month. Play Wales may have the right to refuse to comply with your request and if this is the case we will contact you within one month to explain our reasons.

Our Privacy Policy will be reviewed and updated regularly.

Last reviewed 23 May 2018. 

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