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Explore play

Many children spend time in childcare such as a crèche, nursery or after school club. Parents choose childcare settings for a variety of reasons – for example to enable them to work or train or because it feels important for their child’s development.

Parents want child-centred settings that allow their children to play for prolonged periods of time in rich play environments.

Childcare practitioners work in settings or spaces where playing can be prioritised. Ensuring that the environment and atmosphere meet children’s needs and right to play is key. The best ways of supporting children’s right to play are to:

  • enjoy play for what it is
  • play with enthusiasm when invited to play
  • be a passionate advocate for play.


Childcare providers and practitioners in Wales are well placed to champion play on behalf of the communities where they work. They often:

  • have strong roots in the community
  • are well trusted and respected by parents
  • have strong links to schools and other settings where people work with children.


Childcare practitioners who have had playwork training say that knowing about a playwork approach has a significant impact on the play opportunities they offer.


Playful Childhoods

Play Wales’ Playful Childhoods campaign aims to help parents, carers and community groups provide more opportunities for children to play at home and in their neighbourhoods.

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child playing with bubbles
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