Explore Play Wales
As part of the Children’s Commissioner for Wales’ Monthly Matters series, children across the country had their say on playtime in school, with 95% saying playtime is important and 96% enjoying their playtime.
Findings from the Break/Play Times – A Snapshot Survey of Children and Young People in Wales show that spending time with friends and having a break from the classroom were the most common answers given by children and teenagers when asked why playtime is important. Similar answers were given when asked what they enjoy about playtime. The children who don’t enjoy playtime wanted more time and more things to do to improve their break times.
Almost half of the children who took part in the survey said they sometimes had to miss playtime, mainly as a result of not finishing work or as a consequence of poor behaviour. Missing out on playtime made the children feel sad, annoyed and frustrated.
The survey, conducted in May 2024, attracted 1,290 responses from children and teenagers up to the age of 17. A further 1,020 children took part in groups with teachers and youth workers submitting a summary of their views. Collectively, children and teenagers from 21 local authority areas across Wales had their say.
When asked about barriers in providing children with the playtime they need, teachers spoke about a lack of resources and time, and pressures related to delivering the curriculum.