Explore Play Wales
During 2024 we produced and circulated a variety of new and updated publications to support and inform those who have an interest in, or a responsibility for children’s play. Here is a summary of the publications – which are all available to freely download.
We look forward to sharing more new resources with you throughout 2025.
Play for Wales Magazine
Playing and being well: revisited
Issue 62 (Autumn | Winter 2023)
This issue of the magazine revisits the theme of playing and being well. The articles show how time, space and freedom to play can greatly benefit children’s mental health, relieving stress and reducing the harmful impact of trauma.
Playing in the early years
Issue 63 (Spring | Summer 2024)
This issue of our magazine explores the theme of playing in the early years. It highlights how early interactions, experiences and environments can lay the foundation for children to make the most of their opportunities to play as they grow and develop.
Playing and being well – Literature review
This literature review focuses on the importance of children’s play and wellbeing. Undertaken by Dr Wendy Russell, with Mike Barclay and Ben Tawil from Ludicology, it is a review of recent research into children’s play, social policy and practice, with a focus on Wales.
Playing and being well – Summary
This is a summary of Playing and being well. It includes information about the scope and approach of the literature review, and an overview and findings from each of the chapters. It also introduces the authors’ proposal of a relational capability approach to children’s wellbeing through actions to create conditions that support playing.
Information sheets
The Play Sufficiency Duty and the roles of playworkers
This information sheet, written by Ben Tawil and Mike Barclay, offers an introduction to the Welsh Government’s Play Sufficiency Duty. It also explores the playwork profession’s roles in helping to ensure children are given enough opportunities to play.
Playwork – what’s so special?
This information sheet provides an overview of what is unique about playwork and the role of the playworker. It describes how playworkers facilitate children’s play. It also explains how playwork relates to the Playwork Principles.
Play deprivation: the causes and consequences for child development, and the potential of playwork
This information sheet, written by Emeritus Professor Fraser Brown, discusses play deprivation and the potential of playwork to overcome the consequences. It explores research on the links between a decline in children’s opportunities to play and rising mental health and social issues.
Review of the National Occupational Standards for Playwork 2024/25 – Information sheet #1
This information sheet from the UK Playwork NOS Consortium has been developed to introduce the review of the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for playwork, taking place during 2024 and 2025. It is aimed at informing the playwork sector about NOS and the stages of the review process.
Review of the National Occupational Standards for Playwork 2024/25 – Information sheet #2
This second information sheet from the UK Playwork NOS Consortium provides an update on the progress of the National Occupational Standards (NOS) on Playwork review over the summer of 2024.
Case studies
Examples of play sufficiency
These eight examples of actions taken locally to support children’s play as part of play sufficiency work have been developed with local authorities and their partners. Each aims to show the unique contexts, processes and people involved in the project. They may offer adaptable ideas for those working to support children’s play.
A play friendly school – guidance for a whole school approach
This guidance provides information about policy and practice to help school communities take a whole school approach to supporting children’s right to play. It has been developed as a response to Estyn’s Healthy and happy – school impact on pupils’ health and wellbeing report, which notes the importance of school play and break times.
Right to play workshop
This workshop aims to raise awareness about the right to play and empower children and teenagers so they can make the case for better opportunities to play and meet up with friends. It also links to the Curriculum for Wales and Estyn’s Common Inspection Framework. It includes a range of resources, such as a workshop session plan and ideas for curriculum development.
Reading list
A reading list for teachers – Supporting children’s play in schools
We have put together this list of recommended resources for thinking about play in school. The reading list is a starting point for reflection and Continuing Professional Development for those with an interest in improving children’s opportunities for playing at school.
Focus on play – Play and county councillors
This issue of Focus on play for county councillors across Wales provides information about statutory duties on local authorities to assess and secure sufficient play opportunities for children in their area.
Focus on play – How play supports children’s mental health
This issue of Focus on play is aimed at Regional Partnership Boards and Public Service Boards. It considers the crucial role of children’s play in promoting positive mental health and wellbeing and discusses ways that local and regional plans can support play.
Playful Childhoods resource for families
Playful walks
A selection of themed walks to help families get out and about in their local area. These walks have been adapted from examples by Wrexham County Borough Council’s Play and Youth Support Team.