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Playday 2024 theme announced





Explore Play Wales

Playday is the national day for play, celebrated each year across the UK on the first Wednesday in August. Playday 2024 will be celebrated on Wednesday 7 August.

We are delighted to announce that the theme for this year’s Playday is …

Play – the culture of childhood
Supporting play, fun and friendships

This year’s theme celebrates the rich and lively culture of children’s play. Every child plays – playfulness is a distinct feature of behaviour across generations and cultures. Playing generates a culture of childhood.Playing  is vital for children’s health, happiness, and creativity. Through play:

  • children develop a sense of, and value for culture
  • cultural exploration is encouraged, fostering an appreciation for diversity
  • children work together, negotiate, and build relationships
  • children feel connected to each other and their neighbourhoods
  • Children create and pass on games, songs and stories.

Play is every child’s right – on Playday and every day.

This Playday, we are calling everyone – families, playworkers, and all those who work with children across the UK, to join together to foster a culture of supporting play.

More information

Playday is coordinated by Play England, Play Wales, Play Scotland and PlayBoard Northern Ireland.

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