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Resident survey report highlights positive impact of play streets





Explore Play Wales

Playing Out has published a report on the results of its Playing Out Resident Survey, highlighting the benefits of play streets for children and communities.

The biennial survey, which was carried out in October 2023, received 116 responses from play street organisers across the UK, including Cardiff.

Key findings illustrating the positive impact of play streets on the health and wellbeing of children and communities include:

  • 72% of residents felt that children are more physically active as a result of taking part in play streets
  • 78% of residents said that play streets positively impacted their children’s or the children on their street’s physical health
  • 80% of residents said that play streets positively impacted their children’s or the children on their street’s mental health
  • 91% of residents said that play street sessions have positively impacted their children’s or the children on their street’s social confidence.

The report provides background information about where play streets have taken place and the barriers to play streets. It also includes comments from respondents on the support received from organisations such as Play Wales in helping sessions to take place.

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