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Consultation: The structure of the school year





Explore Play Wales

The Welsh Government is seeking views on proposals to amend school term dates. This will mean that terms in maintained schools (those mostly funded by local authorities) in Wales will be more equal in length, with more evenly distributed breaks.

The consultation is focused on gaining views about three matters:

  • the principle of modifying the school year
  • options for implementing changes to the school year including making those changes in the 2025 to 2026 school year
  • suggested term dates for the 2025 to 2026 school year.

The options include increasing the autumn break to two weeks and reducing the summer break to five weeks. The changes also include moving the spring break away from Easter to help make terms more equal in length.

The proposals are part of the Welsh Government’s mission to achieve high standards and aspirations for all by tackling the impact of poverty on learners. The changes aim to benefit learners, staff and parents.

Closing date for responding: 12 February 2024.

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