Explore Play Wales
The UK COVID-19 Inquiry is asking people to share their experiences of how the pandemic affected their lives and those of the people around them.
The Every Story Matters campaign aims to capture perspectives from UK citizens aged over 18 years old, to help develop an understanding of the impact of the pandemic. Thematic reports will be produced from the information gathered, with recommendations developed to support future generations.
The UK COVID-19 Inquiry will also deliver a bespoke and targeted research project, hearing directly from children and young people most affected by the pandemic, to help inform its findings and recommendations.
Further timings for the legal investigation and hearings into the impact of the pandemic on education, children and young people will be announced in early 2024.
Play Wales has submitted evidence to the inquiry, providing information about the range of activity we undertook to support families. The response is available on request to help inform others sharing their experiences.
The Every Story Matters campaign will continue for the duration of the inquiry.