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Report on the impact of poverty on children’s rights in Wales





Explore Play Wales

The impact of poverty on children and young people’s rights, health and wellbeing in Wales is worsening. This is according to the latest findings of an annual survey by Children in Wales, carried out in spring 2023.

The Report on the 7th Annual Child and Family Poverty Surveys 2023 draws on two surveys – one of professionals and practitioners working with families across Wales, and the other of children and young people aged 10 to 25 years old.

The findings reveal most of the 371 professionals and practitioners surveyed – who work with a minimum of 110,000 families – feel the impact of poverty on children has increased. The responses highlight concerns about effects on children’s rights and wellbeing, including negative learning experiences, poor mental and emotional health, and social isolation.

The views of children and young people surveyed also show concerns about the effect of poverty and many children voiced personal experiences. Comments about bullying, mental and physical health issues, and being unable to join in school activities or socialise with friends reveal the extent of the impact.

The report gives recommendations from children and young people about how they would reduce poverty and increase quality and inclusion. These include tackling bullying and improving access to financial support for families.

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