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Play in the media





Explore Play Wales

Here is a summary of the latest play related articles and blogs to be published online.

Play Wales paper examines the role of play in society
Simon Weedy, Child in the City

This article reports on the publication of the Play Wales briefing paper, Playing and being well: A review of recent research into children’s play, social policy and practice, with a focus on Wales.

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Play helps children practice key skills and build their strengths
Claire McCarthy, MD., Harvard Health Publishing

This article explores how play of all kinds helps children and teenagers in many ways, such as bolstering executive function and mood regulation.

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Around the world, cities are seeing the benefits of creating more space for children to play
Gabriella Jozwiak, Equal Times

This article discusses the issue of poor urban planning and design, and looks at initiatives around the world to improve spaces for children’s play.

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Get Outside and Play (and Learn!)
Cara DiYanni, Psychology Today

This article looks at how regular outdoor education improves children’s curiosity and connection to nature.

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Children’s perspectives on their play experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: A video-based interview study
Kelsey Graber, Christine O’Farrelly and Paul Ramchandani, University of Cambridge, Wiley Online Library

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Playful Streets: How parents are reclaiming their local roads for their children to play
Sylvia Thompson, The Irish Times

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The power of play in developing children’s skills
Patricia Taculao, Manila Standard

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Scary and Unstructured Play Builds Resilience in Kids
Coltan Scrivner, Psychology Today

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