Explore Play Wales
During 2022 we have produced and circulated a variety of new publications to support and inform those who have an interest in, or a responsibility for children’s play. Here is a summary of the publications – most of which are available to freely download.
Play for Wales Magazine
Play for wellbeing
Issue 58 (Winter 2021)
This issue highlights how opportunities for playing contribute to children’s wellbeing. It includes articles such as ‘Opening streets for play, health and wellbeing’, and ‘Wellbeing research with children in Wales’ by Mustafa Rasheed.
Play and place
Issue 59 (Spring 2022)
This issue highlights how access to space and the way it is organised can support more children to play in their neighbourhoods. It includes articles such as ‘Teenagers’ play needs and why we should care’ by Claire Edwards, and ‘Making space for girls’ by Susannah Walker.
Keep an eye out for the Winter 2022 issue which will be published early in the new year.
Fun in the playground
To celebrate World Children’s Day on 20 November 2022, we launched a new storybook about children’s right to play.
Fun in the playground tells the story of one of the most important parts of the school day for many children – playtime.
This timely story reminds us beautifully about how all adults in children’s lives can either support or hinder the right to play. It captures the importance of supportive and tolerant adults and environments in helping children to realise their right to play.
How can I get a copy of Fun in the playground?
If you would like a free copy of the book you must:
- Be working or living in Wales
- Sign up to our mailing list
- Provide your details, including a postal address, by email.
Information sheet
The Play Satisfaction Survey: A guide to using it locally
This guide, written by David Dallimore, is designed to support local authorities to consult with children as part of their Play Sufficiency Duty requirements. It sets out good practice in planning, preparing and using the survey, and provides guidance on collecting, processing and undertaking some basic analysis of the data.
The Welsh Play Workforce Study 2021
This study provides an insight into the play workforce in Wales. It focuses on three overlapping areas: strategic, links between the strategic and practice, and the play workforce itself. Play Wales commissioned Swansea University’s Dr Pete King and Dr Justine Howard to undertake the six-month study between June and December 2021.
Playwork qualifications in Wales
This short guide is for playworkers, employers and managers. It gives an overview of what playwork qualifications are available in Wales and what the legal requirements are for playworkers and managers.