Explore Play Wales
The Welsh Government has launched its Anti-racist Wales Action Plan to tackle systemic and institutionalised racism.
The plan focuses on the ways in which racism affects the lives of ethnic minority people and includes proposed actions for the childcare, play and early years sectors to be enacted over the next two years.
Tackling racism is part of the Co-operation Agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru and is set against the vision of a Wales which is anti-racist in 2030.
Outlining the aims for Wales to become an Anti-Racist Nation, Minister for Social Justice, Jane Hutt said:
‘The Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan for Wales is built on the values of Anti-racism, and calls for actions to be taken in terms of our policies and ways of working rather than putting the burden on ethnic minority people to act.
‘The Plan has been co-created with Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people, drawing from their lived experience and developed in collaboration with a wide range of communities and organisations across all parts of Wales and informed by evidence.
‘We know we need to ensure the voice and lived experiences of Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority people need to be not just heard, but acted upon.’