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Fun in the dungeon



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Fun in the dungeon

Author: children and parents at Mount Stuart Primary School
April 2018

The storybook is aimed at primary school children and their parents. It’s also a useful resource for practitioners to support their work with children and families.

The story is about children’s right to play. It aims to empower children and give parents the inspiration to campaign for play opportunities in their neighbourhoods.

To develop the storybook, we worked with a storyteller, illustrator, and children and parents at Mount Stuart Primary School in Cardiff. Through a series of workshops, the storyteller supported a group of children and parents in identifying issues and celebrations about play. Together they created words and images for the story – including inspiring drawings from the children that helped our illustrator bring the story to life.

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Book | 01.04.2018

Fun in the dungeon Fun in the dungeon

The storybook is about children’s right to play.


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