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UN adopts annual International Day of Play





Explore Play Wales

The United Nations has adopted a resolution for an annual International Day of Play, which recognises children’s right to play and its importance for their wellbeing.

The first International Day of Play will take place on 11 June 2024, and every year thereafter. It will provide an opportunity to draw global awareness to children’s play and to showcase the work being done to support it.

Members of the International Play Association (IPA), including IPA Cymru Wales, voted unanimously to advocate to the UN for an International Day of Play at the IPA World Conference in June 2023.

The IPA joined with a range of global partners including children’s rights organisations and play experts to call on UN member states to support the resolution. The Child Friendly Governance Project also worked directly to engage and support the voices of children worldwide in the call.

Play Wales is looking forward to working with IPA Cymru Wales on opportunities to mark this important event.

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