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Social Care Wales 2023 Accolades





Explore Play Wales

Entries and nominations are now open for the 2023 Accolades – awards held by Social Care Wales.

The Accolades recognise, celebrate and share notable work in social care and childcare, play and early years in Wales.

There are five award categories offering groups, teams, organisations, and individual workers the opportunity to come to celebrate their achievements.

Play Wales would like to see those who are promoting play or who are using a playwork approach as part of their work with children and young people being recognised in the 2023 Accolades.

The three categories for groups, teams and organisations are:

  • Building bright futures for children and families
  • Looking after and improving workforce well-being
  • Supporting unpaid carers.

The two categories for individual care workers are:

  • Effective leadership award
  • WeCare Wales award

Closing date for entries and nominations: 5:00pm 5 November 2022

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