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Recruitment: Play Wales Board of Trustees





Explore Play Wales

The Board of Trustees oversees the running of Play Wales to ensure that we meet our objectives effectively and efficiently within the law.

We are seeking nominations to fill three places on the Play Wales Board of Trustees from 30 March 2023.

This is an opportunity to contribute to the governance of a national organisation that is advocating for a play friendly Wales and championing children’s right to play.

At Play Wales we want to work together to promote an inclusive working environment, which attracts the broadest range of applicants for staff and trustees positions and signals our commitment to celebrating and promoting diversity. By taking this inclusive approach Play Wales hopes to attract the most diverse pool of talent and experience.

If you wish to nominate someone, or yourself, for a place on the Board of Trustees, please complete and return the nomination form by email.

Closing date for nominations: 17 March 2023

Download Nomination and Appointment of Trustee Board invitation

Download nomination form

Download Trustee specification

Download Terms of Reference for the Board of Trustees

Download Code of conduct for Board of Trustees

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