Explore Play Wales
Playing provides opportunities for social interaction and physical activity. It can also reduce children’s stress and promote wellbeing. It is vital that all children are given the time and safe space they need to enjoy a wide range of playful opportunities, throughout the Winter of Wellbeing and all year round.
We have put together this issue of Play for Wales to highlight how opportunities for playing contribute to children’s wellbeing. The Playing for wellbeing issue includes:
- Opening streets for play, health and wellbeing
- Playing in an adventurous way: for wellbeing and as an antidote to anxiety – featuring a blog post written by Helen Dodd, Professor of Child Psychology at the University of Exeter
- Protecting playtime in school for wellbeing
- Wellbeing research with children in Wales – written by Mustafa Rasheed, a child health researcher at Swansea University
- Winter of Wellbeing – an update from the Welsh Goverment
- Playing into the future – how playing contributes to the Well-being of Future Generations Act
- Summer of Play – round up of Wales wide activity
- Children have their say on Ministerial Review of Play
- An update on the P3 playwork qualifications.