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Play in the media





Explore Play Wales

Here is a summary of the latest play related articles, blogs, and podcasts to be published online.

Cardiff becomes first city in the UK to achieve UNICEF child friendly city status

This article reports on how the United Kingdom Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) has announced Cardiff as the first UK city to be awarded UNICEF Child Friendly City status.

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Scientist Reveals Essential Activity That Boosts Child’s Brain Development
Pandora Dewan, Newsweek

This article reports on neuroscientific research into how play enriches brain development.

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Should paediatricians prescribe play?
Kristen Fischer, Motherly

This article explores how independent play fosters resilience in children.

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Has a Decline in Playtime Affected Children’s Mental Health?
Vanessa LoBue, Psychology Today

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Playing Out: ‘We need a plan for children, not motorists’
Alice Ferguson, Playing Out, Child in the city

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All work and no play: how metrics fixation stunts Britain’s school kids
Cherry Casey, The Lead

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How lack of independent play is impacting children’s mental health
Mia Venkat, Kathryn Fox and Juana Summers, NPR

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Could adventure playgrounds boost community and solve the building skills shortage?
The Developer podcast

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Play in everyday life: how can we reimagine the places we live to be more playful?
Dr James Bonner, LGiU

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