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Play and place – new magazine available





Explore Play Wales

The new issue of Play for Wales explores how access to space and the way it is organised can support more children to play in their neighbourhoods more often, so gaining a sense of belonging and attachment to place.

The play and place issue includes:

  • Play, rights and place: making the links
  • Including disabled children in play provision
  • Serennu Children’s Centre opening its grounds for play
  • Teenagers’ play needs and why we should care – written by social, place and play researcher and practitioner Claire Edwards
  • RPlace too – new app for children and teenagers to improve community play spaces
  • Making space for girls – written by Make Space for Girls co-founder Susannah Walker
  • Latest update on our Community Play Ambassador project
  • Workforce development – new playwork course and qualifications and an interview with a local authority play sufficiency lead officer.

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