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New Fun in the playground storybook launched





Explore Play Wales

To celebrate World Children’s Day (20 November 2022), we are launching a new storybook about children’s right to play.

Fun in the playground tells the story of one of the most important parts of the school day for many children – playtime.

This timely story reminds us beautifully about how all adults in children’s lives can either support or hinder the right to play. It captures the importance of supportive and tolerant adults and environments in helping children to realise their right to play.

Supported by author and poet Mike Church, the story has been written by school staff working and living in the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board region.

Who is it for?

The book is for primary school children and their parents – as well as teachers and school staff. It aims to support children to make sure they have the right to play at school. It’s also a useful resource to support those working with children and families.

How can I get a copy of Fun in the playground?

If you would like a free copy of the book you must:

  1. Be living or working in Wales
  2. Sign up to our mailing list
  3. Provide your details, including a postal address, by email.

Developed in partnership with Petra Publishing

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