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Funding: KFC Foundation Community Grant





Funding: KFC Foundation Community Grant

Explore Play Wales

The KFC Foundation is offering two-year grants of up to £3,000 per year to organisations that support economically disadvantaged young people in the UK aged 11 to 25. To be elligible, organisations must benefit people in at least one of the following positions:

  • care leavers
  • those experiencing homelessness
  • young carers
  • young parents
  • refugees
  • young people at risk of or with experience of the criminal justice system.

The fund is aimed at grass roots organisations that focus on empowering young people to fulfil their potential and build a positive future. Services should involve providing safe and secure spaces, helping young people to unlock talent and build life skills, mentoring and improving young people’s chances to gain meaningful employment.

Applications will be considered from registered charities, registered community interest companies, unincorporated clubs or associations or unregistered charities. Elligible charities must by based in the UK and have an annual income of no more than £400,000.

Closing date for applications: 14 February 2025.

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