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Consultation: Changes to the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare





Explore Play Wales

The Welsh Government is consulting on proposed changes to the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare. These apply to all registered persons, childminders and providers of day care (including open access play provision) for children up to 12 years of age. This is also of interest to other parties, such as:

  • representative bodies and organisations working with the child-minding sector
  • the play and day care sector
  • local authorities
  • parents.

The consultation proposes changes which mainly respond to key recommendations from a Review of the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare which published its report in 2019.

The changes being proposed are to the following standards:

  • first aid requirements (Standard 10)
  • child minders working with assistants (Standard 13) (childminders)
  • childcare qualifications for day care providers (Standard 13) (day care)
  • supernumerary member of staff (Standard 15)
  • quality (Standard 18)
  • safeguarding (Standard 20).

The closing date for responding is 7 October 2022.

Play Wales’ draft response to the consultation will be available soon, which you may wish to use to inform your own response.

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