Explore Play Wales
In association with the International Play Association (IPA), the Child and Adolescent Health Research Group (CAHRG) of the Research Centre for Health (ReaCH) at Glasgow Caledonian University has published two collections of reflections centred around play. The publication of the collections coincides with the 22nd International Play Association Triennial World Conference, taking place in Glasgow in June 2023.
Priorities for Play: Towards 2030 and Beyond features 70 contributions from around the world addressing different priority areas for play. The collection includes a contribution by Play Wales Trustee, Dr Matluba Khan, ‘Making space WITH and FOR girls and young women’.
Contributions from Wales also include:
- ‘Working with the principle of play sufficiency’, Mike Barclay and Ben Tawil, Ludicology
- ‘Play in a hospital setting’, Karen Minton, Swansea University
- ‘2030 – Reclaiming play in Wales’, Siôn Edwards, The Venture
- ‘Play is for everyone at any time’, Michaela James, Swansea University
Inspirationally Playful: People, Papers and Practices That Have Inspired Play Practitioners and Researchers includes more than 50 reflections on what has inspired those with a professional interest in play.
The collection includes contributions from Wales:
- ‘From a play-friendly country’, Siôn Edwards, The Venture
- ‘Play: the child’s superpower’, Karen Minton, Swansea University