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Call for evidence on implementation of children’s rights





Explore Play Wales

Children in Wales is calling for evidence from organisations, networks and individuals of any changes to the application of children’s rights in Wales, since the publication of its State of Children’s Rights report in December 2020.

The evidence will inform the update of the report, which is being done in response to the United Nations examination of the progress made by governments to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The report will be updated in partnership with the Wales UNCRC Monitoring Group and submitted to the UN later in 2022.

The original report featured eight topics, including ‘Education, leisure and cultural activities’, with issues related to play forming part of this topic. Children in Wales is particularly keen to capture:

  • What are the main issues that the Welsh Government should be prioritising and why?
  • What has changed since December 2020 report? Has anything got better or worse for children in Wales? What progress has been made? What trends are you seeing?
  • What information or evidence do you have to support these changes?
  • What policy or changes in law need to happen and why?
  • What recommendations do you suggest the UN should make to government(s) to improve the situation for children in Wales?

Closing date for submitting evidence: 7 October 2022

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