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Ambitions for Wales report highlights importance of play





Explore Play Wales

A survey of more than 8,000 children and young people in Wales has found ‘providing more opportunities for play’ among the top suggestions for improving their lives.

The survey, Ambitions for Wales, was carried out in autumn 2022 by the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Rocio Cifuentes. Its aim was to enable children and adults to share their experiences and hopes, and to shape the commissioner’s priorities for the next three years.

Participants were asked for their views on four themes through written questions as well as small group activities:

  • Health and happiness
  • Worries and concerns
  • Bullying and abuse
  • Making life better.

The survey findings also reveal that children feel playing is important to their health and happiness, whilst adults feel children need better access to free activities and spaces.

A total of 8,830 children and young people aged 3 to 18 years old, 876 parents and carers and 507 professionals working with children and families took part in the survey. The results have helped to inform the commisioner’s new strategy, Making Life Better for Children in Wales.

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