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25 years of Play Wales – new magazine





Explore Play Wales

The new issue of Play for Wales celebrates Play Wales’ 25th birthday. It highlights recent key pieces of work that Play Wales has been involved in. It’s a celebration of our collaborative work campaigning for children’s right to play.

The 25 years of Play Wales issue includes:

  • Guest editorial by Play Wales’ founding Chairperson, Margaret Jervis
  • This is why play is so important – our new film
  • What children say about play in Wales – our latest research report
  • Play and being well: a literature review
  • Community Play Ambassador Project – final update
  • Ministerial Review of Play – update and recommendations
  • Rain did not stop play – a round-up of Playday 2023 events
  • Wales in Glasgow – IPA Cymru Wales bursary recipients share their experiences
  • Superheroes at this year’s Playworkers Forum!
  • The latest on workforce development – playwork qualifications delivery, early childhood play, learning and care in Wales, spotlight on…
  • Playful community – stay and play school project.

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