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Play Wales Publications 2024





Explore Play Wales

So far in 2024, we have produced and circulated a variety of new publications to support and inform those who have an interest in, or a responsibility for children’s play.

Here is a summary of the publications – all of which are available to freely download.


Research summary

Summary – Playing and being well: A review of recent research into children’s play, social policy and practice, with a focus on Wales

This is a summary of the forthcoming literature review, Playing and being well. Undertaken by Dr Wendy Russell, with Mike Barclay and Ben Tawil from Ludicology, it’s a review of recent research into children’s play, social policy and practice, with a focus on Wales.


Information sheet

Play deprivation: the causes and consequences for child development, and the potential of playwork

This information sheet, written by Emeritus Professor Fraser Brown, is about play deprivation and the potential of playwork to overcome the consequences. It is aimed at play providers, play researchers and those with an interest in children’s play, health and wellbeing.


Play for Wales Magazine

Playing and being well – revisited
Issue 62 (Autumn | Winter 2023)

This issue of the magazine revisits the theme of playing and being well. The articles show how time, space and freedom to play can greatly benefit children’s mental health, relieving stress and reducing the harmful impact of trauma.


Reading list

Reading list for teachers – Supporting children’s play in schools

We have put together a list of recommended resources for thinking about play in school. The reading list is a starting point for reflection and Continuing Professional Development for those with an interest in improving children’s opportunities for playing at school.

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